Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

2016 Fall Freestyles photos Expiring

Professional show by Arthur Murray Gaithersburg, MD ©TimeLine Media
Professional show by Arthur Murray Gaithersburg, MD ©TimeLine Media

DC Area Arthur Murray Studios

The photos from last September’s 2016 Fall Freestyles event are expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site on Monday. It seems a long time ago, but the photos will be up a little longer. However, after they are removed, you will not be able to see them online any longer. This is the last chance to see them before they are archived. Given that we have some new events scheduled for 2017, we need to make room for them. Thanks to everyone that came by to view and purchase photos from this event! Here is the link:

2016 Fall Freestyles photos at TimeLine Media


Arthur Murray Gaithersburg, MD pro show ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Gaithersburg, MD pro show ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Gaithersburg, MD pro show ©TimeLine Media

To complete the dancing for the weekend, professionals from the studios danced 6 great shows. Because I had an accident with spilled milk, I had to make a lighting change. On account of dried milk on my umbrellas, I did not use them this weekend. Overall, I was happy with how these came out! Especially in this large ballroom, I did not see a big difference. This may be my new default setup for ballroom lighting. At this point, the time savings in setting up is worth it. Not to mention, I am not sending more gear into the air. I am looking for to more Arthur Murray events this year!

Arthur Murray Ashburn, VA pro show ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Ashburn, VA pro show ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Ashburn, VA pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, MD professional show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, MD professional show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, MD professional show ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media
Columbia, Maryland Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media
Columbia, Maryland Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media
Columbia, Maryland Arthur Murray professional show ©TimeLine Media

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2017 USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships Released

2017 USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships competition ©TimeLine Media

Bethesda, Maryland

This was our first ballroom dance event of 2017 – the USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships. Again, Jack Reinhold asked if we would be the official photographer again this year. We photographed over all three days of the competition. All the photos we made have been edited and sorted by numbers worn by leaders here:

2017 USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships at TimeLine Media

In the same fashion as last year, we took pre-orders for photography coverage this year. Not only does this help to ensure we are getting photos for people that really want them, but it has other benefits. In the first place, I can be more creative with the images. Since I am concentrating on only a few couples at a time, I produce different kinds of images. Secondly, I don’t miss any important dances since I focus in only on those heats with customers dancing.

In general, these dancers came prepared for this competition. Since this was a qualifying event for the USA Dance Nationals, the participants were ready with that competition only a few months away. Thanks to the staff of USA Dance Mid-Eastern Chapter who worked very hard all weekend. With all the moving parts with this event, they pulled off a great event!

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2016 DC Dance Challenge Expiring

Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media

Alexandria, Virginia

The photos from last October’s 2016 DC Dance Challenge are expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site. Thanks to everyone that shared and purchased photos! Of course we enjoyed covering this event, but we are so thankful for the support. Before they are removed, here is the link to the entire collection of photos:

2016 DC Dance Challenge photos at TimeLine Media

Dancing with Friends at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media
Dancing with Friends at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media
Forever Dancing at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media
Forever Dancing at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media
Blue Star Dance Academy show routine ©TimeLine Media
Blue Star Dance Academy show routine ©TimeLine Media
All staff and dancers at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media
All staff and dancers at the DC Dance Challenge ©TimeLine Media

Professional Shows

To complete the event, some of the judges from the event danced some shows for us! Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro showed some extraordinary smooth dancing. Quickly covering the entire floor, they showed off speed and technicality in their dancing.

Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro performance ©TimeLine Media
Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro performance ©TimeLine Media
Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro performance ©TimeLine Media

In contrast, Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora danced in the Rhythm style for their performances. Although they have judged and performed at this event in previous years, they brought new elements to their dancing. Of course the effortless looking lifts grab the most attention. Moreover the emotion that they convey all throughout their movements set the tone to their music. On one hand, they have an athletic look to their dancing. However, they pair it very well with their musicality. Great shows all around!

Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Sheena Daminar and Jungie Zamora performance ©TimeLine Media
Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro performance ©TimeLine Media
Arianna Esposito and Gianni Caliandro performance ©TimeLine Media
Fabio and Jennifer Bonini - Forever Dancing ©TimeLine Media
Fabio and Jennifer Bonini – Forever Dancing ©TimeLine Media

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