Atlantic City, NJ
The from the 2015 New Jersey State Open are expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site! Firstly thank to the Roxanne, Susan, and Tom, the organizers who invited us to their event. As I have noted in previous posts, I appreciate all the support. Indeed they have partnered and referred us to grow our business over the years.

The ballroom for this event was very long. Besides being a great distance for my remote controls to work, it was also a large floor. Consequently, I only had lights setup on one of the short sides of the ballroom.

Finally, we wish all the dancers and organizers continued luck with their dancing endeavors! Despite this being a passion, or hobby, so much work went into this weekend. Afterwards, I had some editing and posting of the photos to finish, but it was a success. Eventually the photos will be removed, so please view them soon!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com