Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

Showcases Expiring Today – Dance Photos

That's Dancing Winter Showcase - ©TimeLine Media

It’s been busy they last couple of weeks! We have events going up, and some expiring, so I am shooting images all over the Internet – some off the website, some to labs for printing, and lots to you to share on your social networks. Glad to see so many people enjoying their photos! Unfortunately, we cannot keep the photos on the website forever – they just take up too much room! Two events that are on the website are expiring today – Arthur Murray Fall Showcase and the That’s Dancing Winter Showcase both from late 2013.

That’s Dancing Showcase

That's Dancing Winter Showcase photos expiring ©TimeLine Media
That’s Dancing Winter Showcase – ©TimeLine Media 

After tonight, these two events will be removed from the website and placed into the archives. It is an extra charge to get them out, so visit today to share and purchase your images before they are moved to make more room on the server. We closed out a full 2013 with some great images!

Arthur Murray Events

Arthur Murray Fall Showcase - photos expiring ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Fall Showcase – ©TimeLine Media

The Showcases are more intense for us to cover. We know how hard it is to put together a choreographed routine to your music. Weeks of lessons to learn and refine your best figures and lines is a commitment of physical and mental energy! From the photography side, we do not want to let you down by missing your performance or any of its special moments. Because you put so much effort into the preparation, we want to make sure you have some photos to remember your time in the spotlight.

That's Dancing Showcase expiring photos - ©TimeLine Media
That’s Dancing Showcase expiring photos – ©TimeLine Media

Speaking of which, I know there is another group of dancers getting ready right now for the next Showcases. We have them on the schedule coming up, so practice hard! I will do my best to make sure we are ready from behind the camera.

Arthur Murray Fall Showcase photos expiring - ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Fall Showcase photos expiring – ©TimeLine Media


Spring Freestyles Photos Released

Arthur Murray - Columbia, MD - ©TimeLine Media

Westfields Marriott

The photos from last weekend’s DC Area Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles have been released! We have edited all the images, and sorted them by studio. To view them, please visit the TimeLine Media proofing website at:

I would like to thank my wife, Bryony for helping both at the event to manage all the photos from the photographers, and for helping to organize and make sure the photos were uploaded correctly. I also want to thank my other photographers, Bill, Chris, Rachel, and Chad for helping to capture the dancers on the floor. It is a challenge to get all the great lines, cheers, and laughs around these kinds of events, so it is great to work with such professionals! Thanks to everyone that was already stalking the website for updates as you got an early peek at the photos. We have double checked that everything is now working, so we are inviting everyone to view and share the link on all our networks!

Arthur Murray - Columbia, MD - ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray – Columbia, MD – ©TimeLine Media

Photos Released

If you have any trouble finding your photos, please send me an email – Rassi @ I am happy to help you find your images. If there are any errors with where people are filed, we can change that as well. We want you to be in the right place instead of hunting for your favorites in the 9000+ images from the entire event. Stay tuned to the blog where we will feature more of our favorite images from the dancing, the team match, and the amazing professional shows that capped off the Freestyles.

Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD - ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray – Chevy Chase, MD – ©TimeLine Media

We wish all of you continued luck with your dancing and hope to see you at the Showcase in June! Speaking of which, the last Showcase photos will be removed from the website tomorrow, April 7, 2014. Be sure to visit the 2013 Fall Showcase event to view and share your photos from that event before they are put back into the archive. Or get another routine together for the June 1 event and we’ll make some new photos for you!

Spring Freestyles Photos Released - ©TimeLine Media
Spring Freestyles Photos Released – ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media –

Spring Freestyles Photos Uploading

Judges at the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles - ©TimeLine Media

Chantilly, Virginia

Whew! I am finally getting closer to finishing the photos from last weekend’s DC Area Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles! The photos are now being uploaded to the proofing website. I expect that by this evening, they will be ready to view. It takes a while for the server to get the files, then create all the thumbnails, and black and white / sepia previews. After editing there are a little over 9600 images from the weekend! My wife has helped me to organize all of them by studio. We are trying to work as quickly as we can, so there are likely some mistakes in the filing. We did manage to find places for everyone, so there are no “unknown” studios this time. But if we made any errors, please let me know, so I can find the correct places for everyone to see their photos. We are really excited with how the photos came out! To be notified as soon as the photos are finished at the website, you can leave your email at the proofing website:

Here are some of my favorite images from just off the dance floor.

General Dancing - Arthur Murray - ©TimeLine Media
General Dancing – Arthur Murray – ©TimeLine Media
Judges at the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles - ©TimeLine Media
Judges at the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles – ©TimeLine Media
Judges at the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles - ©TimeLine Media
Judges at the Arthur Murray Spring Freestyles – ©TimeLine Media

Spring Freestyles

The Westfields Marriott had a beautiful interior around the ballroom. We took advantage and got lots of photos in the atrium with the large chandelier. These photos were more than a little fun to make!

Arthur Murray Virginia Beach, VA - ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray Virginia Beach, VA – ©TimeLine Media

I’ll be posting so much more from this event in upcoming posts. There were great ones from the dancers, the Potomac Cup Team Match, and the professional shows. Hopefully all the photos will be ready very soon – stay tuned!

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