It is another busy weekend for pro photos! I helped another photographer friend shoot a beautiful wedding yesterday on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. My camera does need to get outdoors for exercise 🙂 Overall, a wedding will give you all the workout you need! While I have been photographing so many dancers, a wedding is more of a departure than I remember. At this point, I am hopeful that I was helpful for the day. There are a few more weddings on the schedule this year, so I am feeling good about them!
Also, I have to go back and review images for orders to the lab. Thanks to everyone that has gone to the website to view and purchase photos. We especially appreciate the support of our photography through purchases. It keeps us going! Here are some images from the American Star Ball pro heats.
If you are in the USA, we hope you have a nice Memorial Day weekend. Although it is a somber occasion, it is a nice break from the every day grind. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?
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