Posts Tagged ‘headshot’

2017 Clarence Clottey

Clarence Clottey shoot at his office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

The Boro – Tysons, Virginia

These photos were from the 2017 Clarence Clottey shoot at his office. Located in the Boro, you can obviously see the explosive development in the area. With this in mind, it was a perfect setting for Clarence’s custom men’s clothing. On this occasion, Clarence wanted to get some individual photos of shirts and ties for his website, then we got some photos of him modeling a suit around his work place.

Men's Fashion shoot at an office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media
Men's Fashion shoot at an office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

In general, I am unfamiliar with being daring with my clothing. Certainly Clarence can help businessmen stand out with his bespoke options for suits, shirts, and accessories. Just prior to this shoot, he received a shipment from the factory in Europe where they produce his apparel. If you are looking specifically for a color or coordinate style, Clarence can create a look for you. With this in mind, he had a couple of customers come to his office to pick up recent orders. As a backdrop, his office in the Boro was a showcase of the growing Tysons area as well as the modern office spaces that are coming soon.

Men's Fashion shoot at an office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media
Men’s shirts setup for a 2017 Clarence Clottey photo shoot ©TimeLine Media
Clarence Clottey shoot at his office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media
Clarence Clottey shoot at his office in the Boro in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

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2016 Studio Headshots

2016 Studio Headshots by Rassi G. Borneo - ©TimeLine Media
2016 Studio Headshots for a realty office ©TimeLine Media

Tysons, Virginia

Coming across clients on social media jogged my memory for these 2016 studio headshots. For these examples, I photographed in the studio. Compared to on-location setups, there are some advantages to doing it this way. Firstly, I have time to set the lighting beforehand. This will save time in how long you need to be at the studio. Secondly, a studio shoot allows for tethering the camera to the computer. Specifically, the images will immediately available to view on a nice large laptop screen, or TV monitor.

2016 Studio Headshots for a realty office ©TimeLine Media

For this headshot, it was helpful to review the photos on a large TV monitor. Accordingly, you can review your facial expression, wardrobe, and how they look on a chosen background. With attention to the background a clean white seamless is very easy to work with after the shoot. In this case, the realty office has a certain corporate background that the headshot will be placed. With this in mind, it was important to get a background that would be easy for them to cut out later.

2016 Studio Headshots by Rassi G. Borneo - ©TimeLine Media

Darker Background Headshots

For Dr. AK here, I gave him a choice of a lighter or darker background. In contrast to the white, these seem to have a more specular quality to them. However, both styles I think are very professional and will do the job of elevating your branding with a professional portrait.

2016 Studio Headshots by Rassi G. Borneo - ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media –

Glenn Fischer Agency Headshots

Glenn Fischer headshot session in Springfield, Virginia ©TimeLine Media
Glenn Fischer headshot session in Springfield, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

Springfield, Virginia

Last year, Glenn Fischer asked if I could update the headshots for his insurance agency. He is a member of my BNI group that meets in Springfield, Virginia. For this shoot, he would be using these on advertisements in print and online. With this goal in mind, I hired my friend Nam to assist with hair and makeup.

Glenn Fischer Agency Headshots ©TimeLine Media

While it may be true the I prefer the white background for headshots, I did not for this session. Given a choice the consensus among the staff was that black would be better on account of their regular report formats. Despite a change from my normal setup, I am liking this setup! As much as I enjoy post processing, this setup made things faster for the client.

Thanks to Nam for his assistance on this occasion! In fact, having him really saved a lot of time in turning these around. Smooth even skin out of the camera is a gift when you need to work quickly. In print this also worked well seeing that I have spotted these on nice magazine and cheap receipt paper. Finding this on the back of a grocery receipt prompted this post!

Glenn Fischer Agency Headshots ©TimeLine Media
Glenn Fischer Agency Headshots session ©TimeLine Media
Glenn Fischer Agency Headshots session ©TimeLine Media

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