
Posts Tagged ‘Manassas’

2018 Laurie Brand Session

Laurie Richards at her brand shoot at the Winery at Bull Run ©TimeLine Media
Laurie Richards at her brand shoot at the Winery at Bull Run ©TimeLine Media

Centreville, Virginia

Earlier this month, business coach Laurie Richards contacted me to do a 2018 Brand Session at The Winery at Bull Run. Previously, Laurie came to the studio for updated headshots. Afterwards, she decided that one of the images would be on the cover of her latest book! In short, I was very happy that she enjoyed the photos from her last session.

Laurie at a the Winery at Bull Run in Centreville, Virginia ©TimeLine Media 2018 Laurie Brand Session
Laurie at the Winery at Bull Run in Centreville, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

During this afternoon, we met at the winery to start making some photos around their property. In this case, the setting was beautiful for portraits. The open fields next to the Civil War era buildings made for non-distracting backgrounds that did add some interest for the portraits.

Posing on a fence at Manassas Battlefield Park ©TimeLine Media
Posing on a fence at Manassas Battlefield Park ©TimeLine Media

Manassas Battlefield Park

Since it was close to the winery, we made our way to the park at the Manassas Battlefield. In like fashion, the historic open fields were a beautiful backdrop for branding photos. With her blue top, it complimented all the green in the surrounding frame.

Working on a laptop at Manassas Battlefield Park ©TimeLine Media 2018 Laurie Brand Session
Working on a laptop at Manassas Battlefield Park ©TimeLine Media

Laurie has been a ballroom dance friend for years. Also, she is an awesome business coach! Please visit her website to learn more about her books and courses as she is a popular guest speaker at many organizations.

A copy of 'Ready, Set, Go!' with the author, Laurie Richards ©TimeLine Media
A copy of ‘Ready, Set, Go!’ with the author, Laurie Richards ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

Betco Block Factory

Gainesville, VA

Demolition of Betco Block Factory, Gainesville, VA ©TimeLine Media
Demolition of Betco Block Factory, Gainesville, VA ©TimeLine Media

The Peterson Companies had me cover an event at the Betco Block Factory in Gainesville, Virginia. This concrete factory was set to be demolished in a ceremony last June. Redevelopment is underway to make retail, hotel, and restaurant spaces there. It will join the Virginia Gateway center which has millions of square feet of retail space already.

Despite getting to the site very early before the building was going to come down I was nervous about covering the demolition. Given that it is much more difficult to use explosives, the building was brought down with excavators. Before then, beams under the building were torched so that the building would come down easier.

While that was going on, I set one of my cameras up remotely on a tripod. I positioned it a little closer to the building so I could stand much further away in a safe zone. Before leaving the camera on its own, I started the intervalometer on the camera. This allowed the camera to take a photo every few seconds automatically.

Camera Setup

DSLR camera and Betco Block factory building ©TimeLine Media
DSLR camera and Betco Block factory building ©TimeLine Media

In spite of the obvious danger to the camera, I left it much closer to the building with a wide-angle lens. The series of photos that it took automatically, I stitched together into a time lapse video. I’ll post it and the end of this entry. Even though the camera got very dusty, there was no physical damage to the body!

dusty DSLR camera and lens after building demolition ©TimeLine Media
dusty DSLR camera and lens after building demolition ©TimeLine Media

Thanks to Joanna from the Peterson Companies for having my cover this unique kind of event! We have worked together on a number of events at Fairfax Corner. Compared to other events where things are created, this was a nice turn about! Though I am happy that I did not have any damage to the camera at all!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

9 Years!

Wedding photos

9 years ago, my wife and I were married! A time before social media, touchscreen phones, and surprisingly, almost a decade ago. This being a photography blog, this is a perfect forum to go through the old photo archive and look back. 2004 was near the start of the digital photography explosion. Our professional photographers used both film and digital cameras to cover our wedding.


When we purchased the negatives, we actually got a folder of film negatives! Our favorite photos were shot from the film camera. It was, of course, the more mature medium, and they knew how to get the most out of the film compared to the digital captures. I remember Yakov used a Nikon F100, and Don used a Canon 10D with battery packs on their flashes hung on large brackets. It was my first up-close look at how a professional wedding photographer works. I suppose my life changed in more ways than one that day!

Wedding photos
Wedding photos from 9 years ago

We did have our own digital camera, a Nikon (of course) Coolpix 5700. It was my first digital camera, and I used it every chance that I could. I tried to work image composition, experimented with lighting, focus, and re-learned all the lessons of photography that were difficult to learn without the instant feedback possible with digital captures.

Wedding Photography

Today, I am helping to make new wedding images for couples, and October continues to be a popular time in the DC Area for weddings. I did now know until my fiance picked this date, that it is the BEST time to get married! The really hot and humid weather is gone, but the real cold has not moved in. It is appropriate to have saturated fall colors in the clothes and flowers in the day. Looking back, it is so nice to see how we can enjoy some time outside for our photos as well as to have earlier sunsets for nice portrait light. Aside from the technical side, these are priceless memories of our family gathering and celebration. I will have to remember this the next time I go out to photograph another wedding.

Wedding photos
Wedding photos

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

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