It has never been easier to share your photos online. I can remember in the first years of the web how magical it was to download photos. Using a web browser was so easy. Comparatively you had to download individual files from a gopher or FTP site. Then open the photos in a separate JPG or GIF viewing program. With the browser, you had an experience that was much easier to view a collection of photos in an album-like setting.
Websites Sharing
Now, social media networks heavily encourage the sharing of images online. With the price that Facebook paid to acquire Instagram, it is not surprising to see where they see the most participation in their users. With all the social networks, though, there is a tradeoff for photographers. Because all of these networks are free to sign up, participate, and share, the companies need to make revenue somewhere. YOU and your photos are now the currency that these networks use to grow their business. In some small parts, they are taking your photos and using them to get more people to share and participate, and they hope, get them to patronize their advertisers.
To take more control over this natural give and take, I believe all photographers should have their own web space that they are paying for, and maintaining themselves. It has never been easier to reserve your own domain name, and sign up with a web host with all the gigabytes of storage you need for a minimal cost. If you are bothered by these social networks “stealing” your images to use, this is the best way to display your photos online. I post a little on these as a way to drive traffic to my personal website!
Speaking of which, my portfolio website is currently undergoing and exciting revision! I am switching over to a new service for showing off my best images. I will post more when the transition is finished, and I would love to hear what my blog readers think of the changes!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com