Tysons Corner Center
It is just about time for a 2017 Christmas in July post! It has been a couple of years since I made such a strange article on the blog. Given that I photograph in and around Tysons Corner Center so frequently throughout the year, I do not have to waste too much time pre-planning for photos.

Seeing that I am an introverted soul like many photographers, this kind of assignment I relish. Primarily, the branding of sponsors on the ice rink, the Hyatt balcony, and the other holiday advertising was the focus. However, this evening was particularly lucky in terms of twilight.

2017 Christmas in July
During another exterior photo session, I really lucked out with the clouds. In the hope of getting some nice sunset light on the buildings, I headed out in the late afternoon. On this occasion, my patience was rewarded as the light during sunset was spectacular! I could not have asked for a more perfect combination of clouds and color. I think these images will be useful for so many uses around the Tysons area.

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com