Simply Ballroom Virginia
The 2018 River City Ballroom Dance Competition photos are expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site. We love all the traffic to our site from this event seeing that we had so many visitors after posting. Here is the link to see the photos before we send them to the archive:
2018 River City Ballroom Dance Competition photos at TimeLine Media

10th Anniversary
Although we got to many ballroom dance event, we only know about photos. For this reason, we take for granted all the preparation before the weekend. Not only is this a special day for the guests, but it is a change for the studio’s schedule. In the first place, they have to prepare the dancing space. Secondly the staff has to coordinate the helpers and vendors at the event. Once it starts, things go smoothly thanks to all their preparation! Thanks for all of your work, and I hope you enjoy the photos!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com