Posts Tagged ‘TEDxTysons’

impact – TEDxTysons

[i]mpact - TEDxTysons main event at Capital One HQ in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media
[i]mpact – TEDxTysons main event at Capital One HQ in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media

Capital One – Tysons, VA

TEDxTysons held their newest main event at the Capital One Headquarters. impact – TEDxTysons was a full Saturday of speakers, networking, and ideas worth spreading. As can be seen in the photos, the headquarters in Capital One was a beautiful, forward-looking venue for TEDx talks. In light of a large tower being built right outside the auditorium, this space was a showcase of possibility.

impact - TEDxTysons venue at Capital One HQ in Tysons, Virginia ©TimeLine Media

The atrium heading into the auditorium was a beautifully lit space. Very large open skylights and windows allows daylight to spill into the space. For photos in front of the step and repeat, this was an easy assignment given that the light was bouncing around everywhere!

impact - TEDxTysons with two representative from WeWork Tysons ©TimeLine Media
impact - TEDxTysons volunteers checking in guests at Capital One Headquarters in Tysons ©TimeLine Media
TEDxTysons volunteers checking in guests at Capital One ©TimeLine Media

[i]mpact – TEDxTysons

The speakers gave talks about individuals creating impact. Thus, the impact title becomes [i]mpact. Talks attempt to explain where does this impact come from, and how does it grow? To illustrate this is one of the talks, I contributed one of my photos from above Tysons. Undoubtedly, I was blown away about seeing my photo up there. Moreover seeing it in conjunction with a TEDx talk has been a highlight of my photography career so far. Thanks to TEDxTysons for the opportunity to be a part!

[i]mpact - TEDxTysons main event at Capital One HQ in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media

impact – TEDxTysons Volunteers

[i]mpact - TEDxTysons main event founders photo at Capital One HQ in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media

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Concrete Jungle – TEDxTysons

WeWork location in Tysons, Virginia - venue for Concrete Jungle - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
WeWork location in Tysons, Virginia – venue for a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media

Capital One – Tysons, VA

TEDxTysons held Concrete Jungle – another salon event at WeWork – Tysons last month. By comparison, this had an intimate feeling – a smaller room with the audience in closer contact. The salon was setup as an event for presentation on developments in our growing urban area. For this reason, horticulturists and landscape designers were the main presenters.

Concrete Jungle - TEDxTysons salon at WeWork - Tysons ©TimeLine Media

In contrast to the enormous auditoriums of their previous events, the audience was really shoulder to shoulder this evening. It had the feeling of a dinner party compared to a corporate convention. In short, it was what I had preconceived what a salon would be.

Andrew Chapman - host of the TEDxTysons salon at WeWork in Tysons ©TimeLine Media
Andrew Chapman – host of the TEDxTysons salon at WeWork in Tysons ©TimeLine Media

Concrete Jungle – TEDxTysons

The WeWork in Tysons was the venue on this occasion. Seeing that they had a space filled with natural light from the large windows with natural surfaces on their walls, it set the scene nicely.

DAN SLONE speaking at a TEDxTysons salon at WeWork ©TimeLine Media
DAN SLONE speaking at a TEDxTysons salon at WeWork ©TimeLine Media
DONIELLE NOLAN speaking at a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
DONIELLE NOLAN speaking at Concrete Jungle, a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Supervisor Sharon Bulova speaking at a TEDxTysons salon held at WeWork in Tysons ©TimeLine Media
Supervisor Sharon Bulova speaking at a TEDxTysons salon held at WeWork in Tysons ©TimeLine Media

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Producing Creativity in the Moment – TEDxTysons

TEDxTysons Salon event at Valo Park auditorium in Tysons ©TimeLine Media
TEDxTysons Salon event at Valo Park auditorium in Tysons ©TimeLine Media

Valo Park – Tysons, VA

The TEDxTysons group held a salon event at Valo Park in Tysons. Producing Creativity in the Moment was the title of the salon. In contrast to their main event from last year, this had a smaller audience by design. Also, there were fewer presentations. However, the talks were still impactful and very-well polished. The team really crafted another kind of event to build on their main event from last year.

Producing Creativity in the Moment - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Producing Creativity in the Moment - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media

Given that the organizers do not want the content of talks to be known before the event, no one comes in with pre-formed ideas. In fact, it is one of the attractions of attending in person. On this occasion, I was excited about what was going to happen. As a photographer, I come to every shoot not knowing exactly what kind of images I am going to make. Although I have a basic technical knowledge to work my cameras, it is impossible to pre-visualize everything that I need to produce. ‘Producing Creativity in the Moment’ sounded right up my alley.

Producing Creativity in the Moment - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media

If you were in the room, the interactivity in the last presentation really brought this idea home. The presentation by Chris Ulrich ended with an exercise. The noise and energy created in that moment was so spontaneous and sweeping that you could not have expected that outcome when you arrived! I hope the photos do it justice. TEDxTysons shared the entire set on their page.

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