Posts Tagged ‘UPenn Classic’

UPenn Classic

2013 UPenn Classic

We are finalizing our plans for the first ballroom dance event for TimeLine Media this year. We are returning to cover the event for the Penn Latin and Ballroom Dance at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. This is an event that we first covered in 2009 when we were very new to photographing ballroom dance. Like us, it has changed and grown, and we look forward to this year’s event!

Ballroom Dance photo - - TimeLine Media
Ballroom Dance photo - - TimeLine Media

The last times we covered this event, there was so much energy in the room from all the dancers! With many college team in attendance, there were many friends cheering on their teammates. There were also some flags in the crowd to represent the sections from each school which makes the event unique compared to most others that we cover.

Ballroom Dance photo - - TimeLine Media


It will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, a venue which we have not been to previously. I hope to get in there early to get setup lights, and get an idea of where we can position to get the best photos. My style has changed much since the first time we went up to cover the event, but I’m interested to see how things have changed for me – both in lighting, and in composing photographs. I did use images from this event for a long time in my portfolio, and I hope to get more this year.

Event Details

With a full day of dancing scheduled, I’m estimating between 6000 and 9000 photos which will take about a week to process. Hopefully I can still post some blog posts during that time! To keep up with details as the competition approaches, you can follow the competition on Twitter – @UPennClassic13

After I finish editing the photos from the event, I will post them to the proofing site where I put all my other ballroom dance events-

Upcoming Dance events – Clover Star Classic

Excited! TimeLine Media is set to cover the Clover Star Classic in Philadelphia, PA on February 7, 2009. Overall, ballroom dance photography is a photographer’s dream assignment! With all the colors, the movement, and subjects that are picture-ready, the opportunities for especially great photos are plentiful. For those that attend the event, I will post the images at this website for you to preview, share with your friends, and order prints. I love the challenge to capture these quick moments, and I hope the participants enjoy!

Clover Star Classic banner from UPenn Ballroom
Clover Star Classic banner from UPenn Ballroom

UPDATE! At this time the photos from the UPenn Ballroom event are now ready to view! This was our first collegiate ballroom dance event that we attended. Though we had not been to this venue, I think we setup our lighting nicely for action photos. We want to especially thank the organizers from the UPenn Ballroom club for inviting us to photograph the event. Moreover, they were very accommodating to us helping to get our booth and cameras setup in the ballroom. If you have any trouble finding your photos, please let me know. You can send me an email – rassi @

TimeLine Media –

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