Event Update
Just a quick update on the Paragon Open photos. The editing is completed, and the upload has started at the website. It should not be much longer before they are viewable. The website needs to process the photos – create all the thumbnails for color, black and white previews, and setup all the ordering pages. By this afternoon, all the photos will be available here:
Fall Photography
Around this part of the Mid-Atlantic, the autumn colors are in full swing. It is a beautiful time to drive and walk in wooded areas with the yellows, reds, and oranges on all the trees just before they fall. It is always difficult to determine when would be the best time to go out to take photos. Unfortunately, our busy schedule did not let us go at the optimal time.
In the photo above, there were still more green than bright fall colors in the leaves. From the overlooks on Skyline Drive, the panorama feature on your smartphone is one of the best ways to capture the grand views on top of the mountains. The biggest challenge for me is to keep the horizon level straight! I had to crop this photo after capture to straighten the view, but my shaky panning also did not keep the mountain level straight through the frame.
If you have a dSLR with you, the colors will be more saturated, and you can manipulate the RAW files much easier in post. Here is a photo from another overlook made from 3 separate frames. The images were then combined in Adobe Photoshop using the “File: Automate: Photomerge” function. I did not have to input any other information, and the program easily spit out a nice panorama! Having RAW files, you can make sure all the images in your panorama look the same prior to combining them, so it looks like it was snapped in one pull of the shutter.
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com