Just a quick post today – the Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles photos are now ready to view! You can go to the proofing site to view the photos released from this event, organized by studio. If there are any errors in how we categorized them, please let me know by email: rassi @ timelinedc.com so that everyone can find their images.
If you were on the e-mail list, you did get early access to the photos. The new software and server at the website made faster work of the uploaded photos this time. I did send an note earlier to everyone on the mailing list that they were ready. You are automatically added to the list if you signed up for updates before the photos were ready to view. If you are not sure whether you are on the list, you can sign up on the form at the bottom of the blog, or right here: Subscribe to the TimeLine Media mailing list- Thanks to everyone that has visited the site already, and please share the link with any one else that attended the event, or friends and family that would like to see your dance photos. Thank you!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com