
Posts Tagged ‘Virginia’

EVgo – Charging Cars in Chantilly

EVgo charging station in Chantilly, Virginia ©TimeLIne Media

Chantilly, Virginia

EVgo opened its 800th location for charging cars in its growing network. Electric cars are certainly more prevalent on our roadways. While their adoption is faster, it is the infrastructure to support them has also grown as quickly. It is a ‘chicken or the egg’ question where both needed to be built to sustain the other. With this in mind, these electric chargers have been opening in many fueling stations, and shopping centers in our area.

EVgo charging station in Chantilly, Virginia ©TimeLIne Media

At this time, EVgo wanted me to make some images of their location at the Sheetz in Chantilly. Appropriately, this is in the middle of a high technology section of the Dulles Corridor. To be sure, this station was where many commuters going to work in data centers and other technology companies in the area stop with their electric vehicles. Luckily, they had some electric cars available to be placed by the chargers.

EVgo charging station in Chantilly, Virginia ©TimeLIne Media

While we were waiting for all the cars to arrive, I was able to see some behind-the-scenes of EVgo charging stations. A technician was putting the finishing touches prior to their opening. He described how he is traveling the country installing these stations, and he was definitely familiar with how to get these online.

man charging and electric car ©TimeLine Media

Prior to leaving the station, I also made some images with people using the chargers. It was here that I tried to stretch more lighting to bring out their faces and make the action a little clearer. In due time, this will be a familiar scene as electric cars become more the norm, and gasoline is the anomaly!

man charging and electric car ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Mediawww.timelinedc.com

Patriotic Colors in Tysons

Tysons, Virginia

Today is my 44th birthday! Concurrently, it is Patriot Day in the United States which is the reason for patriotic colors in the photos. Certainly, half of the year has been a challenge. The pandemic lockdown drastically changed everyday life and work in 2020. However, I have used my photography to keep myself busy.

At first, I only had one assignment to capture this large American flag on the Tysons Tower. Since it was scheduled to only be up temporarily, I went out during different times during the day to see how it looked with different skies. With less foot and car traffic, it was a good way to social distance!

Additionally, I did not have as many other projects to work on. With this in mind, I could take more time to experiment. I went deep into the equipment bag to try gear I normally do not bring with me to expand my skills. As can be seen, I expanded my self-assignment to include other patriotic colors on other buildings. They make for a nice collection!

Patriotic colors in the highways and over Capital One Center in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media
Lights showing patriotic colors on the Lumen in Tysons, VA ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Mediawww.timelinedc.com

Eye-Opening Session with Successful Businesswomen

Studio Headshots

Overall, I learned many lessons from these successful businesswomen. Being that it is the day after the Labor Day holiday, it is an appropriate posting featuring them. Networking and events in the Tysons area put me in contact, and I was inspired with the passion they have for their work. Of course, I feel the same about my own choice of profession, however, I was energized seeing what drives them in their careers.

Trigger Point Therapist

At first, Julie is a self-described Health and Wellness Geek. In her studio, she sees patients that need help dealing with pain. Since she is an expert in trigger point therapy, she uses these pressure techniques to bring blood flow to specific areas of the body to alleviate pain. She has personal stories of overcoming injuries and having an interest in helping people. Julie is inspired to continue learning and refining her techniques. I hope her headshots convey the empathy she shows towards her clients, and her confidence in her skills to help.

Graphic Designer

Next is Jill from Huemanity Marketing. Following her work with the TEDxTysons group, I immediately saw the impact she can have for branding. While TED has as starting structure, the local organizers needed work when presenting their information to sponsors, venues, and speakers. From learning more about her client list, it is likely that DC-area residents have seen her work. Given that she started her company and now works with some large and influential companies, I am inspired to keep getting better! As a creative company, it can be difficult to know and convey your worth. She does this in such a nice way, I can see why she is so successful!

Tysons Partnership

Finally, Ronit from the Tysons Partnership came in to refresh her professional portrait. In general, traffic is a top issue when development in Tysons in considered. Ronit is the director of the Transit Management Association. She commutes into the area by train, and she lives through the options of getting around town without an automobile. Living through how things are now absolutely helps her to be an advocate for future plans! She let me know about some lesser known areas that car-riders will usually fly past on their way through. I will definitely keep her social accounts on tap as Tysons continues to grow!

TimeLine Media www.timelinedc.com

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