Tysons, Virginia
This Monday is the last day to view Summer Showcase photos from the DC area Arthur Murray studios . Looking over my notes, there were a few of the shows that I still did not feature on the blog! I promise to get all of them on here, and I apologize for the delay. Today’s photos are from a Waltz by the Chevy Chase, MD studio. To see all the photos from this show and the other dancers from that event, please visit the proofing website here:

Of all the smooth dances, the Waltz is my current favorite. It will probably change as I get comfortable with a new figure, or hear an awesome Foxtrot musical track, but for now, I’m on a Waltz bandwagon! It is the first dance where I felt my partner and I could really move down the floor with a lot of distance. And it still feels “smooth” and flowing with less marching steps on each beat.

These two really took up the entire floor with their Waltz! It made for some easy photos at each click of the shutter. He really showed off the lady nicely! It can sometimes be a challenge to get both of their faces exposed to the camera in smooth dancing. But they both had showy, strong frames having good facial views for the audience.
Yes, I love the dip! A competition organizer pointed that out to me when I set out a collection of posters. The realization of it was shocking to me at the time, but I have embraced it. Especially when the back light shows up at just the right time. If that is a fault, I’ll take it! It’s important to realize you can be blind to tendencies looking at your work all the time!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com