Mobile Setup
To help boost my visibility in the local business community, I had a ‘Happy Hour Headshots’ event at the Auld Shebeen in Fairfax. The event was co – sponsored by my BNI chapter. As a way to increase the visibility of the chapter, we planned this event around inviting visitors and potential clients to attend and to get a new headshot as a benefit of attending.

BNI stands for Business Network International. Most business owners would say that word of mouth is the best way to get good referrals for new clients. BNI is a structured network designed to make that happen. The way that chapters, meetings, and the education that they have for members, they have a track record of really producing some meaningful connections. My group is the Fairfax Business Connection.

We meet every Wednesday for lunch. If there are some people that are in our network that cannot meet for lunch, the “Happy Hour Headshots” was a perfect way to connect with them later in the day. The members attended as well as some visitors from their network. Everyone had the opportunity to get some updated headshots, and we all built some new relationships in the process.

It was great exposure for me! I could practice both my mobile lighting setup, and my headshots process in a group environment. Some aspects were easier with a lot of people in the room, but it definitely made easier smiles with lots of friends in the room. I hope you can join us for a meeting or another networking event in the future soon!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com