Tysons, Virginia
The photos from last Saturday’s 2018 Summer Showcase are now ready to view! 8600+ photos of the DC Area Arthur Murray studios are available on the TimeLine Media proofing site. In order to make it easier to find your photos, we sorted them by studio. However, there may be some errors in there, so let me know if I need to make some edits. When you have a chance to go through them, here is the entire collection:
2018 Arthur Murray Summer Showcase photos at TimeLine Media
Student Performances
These short routines are the result of months of work in the studio. Although the teachers and students make it look easy, there was a long journey to get here. Since the last event, the staff at these studios worked on these routines. Along the way, there are many decisions to make. Firstly, what dance to do? Then the music, and finally the choreography! The accomplishment to finish is a great goal to achieve!
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com