Tysons Corner Center
Since we are starting Fall, I wanted to post about the 2019 3rd Quarter Media posted in and around Tysons Corner Center. Similarly to earlier in the year, it is nice to highlight some of the changes that keeps the mall a vibrant and effective showcase area. Since it is harder to plan, the outside photos of the pylon signs I was happy to make. The Route 7 specifically had a sunset shining through the space behind the sign and through the trees nicely. For photography geeks, having a really small aperture will create the nice rays from the sun.

Inside, the mall were new hanging and digital banners. Since Halloween is coming soon, the signs for American Scream projected very nicely on the digital board. Having the contrast between the dark background and the light text really made this one pop out especially from farther away. Fanta also had a digital tie-in with codes printed on their face. When you pointed your smartphone at the ad, they would come to life with more dynamic content! Surely this shows what it possible with handheld technology. Perhaps this would be something that photographers could take advantage of with all of their images!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com