Archive of ‘Event’ category

Wedding Throwback Thursday

It’s our ten-year wedding anniversary today! As I recall from etiquette books, the traditional gift is an electronic web log post. DONE!



I can’t believe it has been that long. We have done so many cool things over our marriage so far – probably why it seems like the time has flown. How many football games have we seen in a stadium? How many dance steps have we learned? Oor at least are familiar with? How many places have we traveled and visited on long plane trips, or shorter car rides?

Thanks for sticking with me through long photography assignments and other bouts of creativity. You have helped to foster creative ideas for me and my photography. It would have been a much tougher time to get TimeLine Media where it is today without a good manager looking at the big picture while I’m editing through huge collections. I’m sure there are more just around the corner that I could use your help! The wedding was just the first of our large projects together. With all the ones we have faced since then, I am more convinced that there are not too many things that we could not tackle together. By the way, I need help measuring for dance pants.

I think we make a great team – here is to many more anniversaries!


TimeLine Media –

Morning Moons | Tech Tuesday

Fairfax, Virginia

I feel like I have been so lazy with the blog! Sorry if you have just been anxiously hitting refresh to see if I get inspired today J Well, I am really getting caught up with all my assignments, and getting things back on track after going on a short vacation. Last week some excitement happened in the early morning skies that I almost missed! There was a lunar eclipse that would be viewable in our part of the world right at the time that I would be getting up to start my day – a perfect chance to make some photos without too much effort! And with the backlog of things I had to do, this was what I needed.


Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse is an awesome practice for your camera. Trying to get good photos of a bright moon can teach you a lot about metering, or “how a camera views and image”. Left on automatic, a camera has a difficult time getting a good photo of the face of the moon. This is due to the construction of the light meter in every camera system. They do not see composition, nor can they read the photographer’s mind to know exactly the goals for the image.

A meter measures all the light coming into the sensor, and it calculates the aperture and shutter speed that will give a middle gray image. It does not know that you want the bright light of the moon to be lowered to see the details of the surface. Lowering the amount of light will also make the rest of the photo darker – which is the compromise when making these photos. You will lose detail around the bright moon. During an eclipse that is happening right outside my front door– that is fine by me! I do not care about any of the other surrounding details.


Once I figured an exposure that gave me the detail that I was looking for, I played with all kinds of settings. Sometimes I changed the aperture, sometimes the ISO. The exposure values were very similar, but I wanted to see how the camera responds when pushed in such a dark scene.


It only lasted a few minutes before the moon ducked too low in the horizon. I was very lucky! No need to go to extra lengths to get these photos, but so many that I’ll keep in the collection.


TimeLine Media –

DC Dance Challenge photos uploading | Dancesport Photography

Washington, DC

Last Sunday was a great day of dancing in the heart of downtown Washington, DC! Jennifer and Fabio Bonini’s DC Dance Challenge is always a friendly and fun event in early October. We have enjoyed reconnecting with so many local dance studios and dancers as they put on their dresses and dance shoes for the judges. The editing of all the photos from the event are now going up to the website. They should be ready to view this afternoon! Here is the address where you will be able to view all the photos:


We arrived early and had no problems getting setup in the Atrium Ballroom at the Ronald Reagan Building. Now that is was our second year at this venue, we really had a much easier time finding where to get better photos of the dancers on the floor. After going through all the photos form the day, I am happy with how they came out. I hope you check them out and let me know how you find them!


DC Dance Challenge


The organizers, staff, and volunteers that helped out the event really did a great job. The DJ had a great music setup, and the MC did very well with his second time hosting this event. It is a tough job to go through all those awards! The judges also have a unique interaction with the dancers and audience at this event with the Dancing with the DC Stars event in the evening. It gives them a chance to give comments to choreographed pieces directly to the dancers with the audience watching and listening. They gave some great comments that will help the dancers further develop their dancing, and the audience learned along with them. Thanks to all of you that visited our booth and our website for the images! More postings from this event will be coming to the blog soon.



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