Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

10 Years of Ballroom Dance Photography

It has been 10 years since the first ballroom dance event that I tried to capture with my camera. At that time weddings were my main photography subject. Dance was a hobby that we enjoyed 2 to 3 times a week for exercise, and be social! The Arthur Murray dance studios in the DC area hold Freestyles and Showcase events that allow their students and staff to show off what they have been learning. We participated and supported them, but I did not try to photograph them since I was busy having so much fun!

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography - Leisa and Joe Howard

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography – Leisa and Joe Howard

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

We then attended a special Dance-o-rama event held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. While the event was run much like the local ones that were used to, there were some other elements that made it stand apart. For me, it was the Open Professional competitions that capped the entire weekend. Not only were professionals dancing with each other to show their talents, but they were competing with other professional couples. It was a lot to take in as an amateur enthusiast. With so many great dancers on the floor, you wanted to see everything that was happening, but it was impossible to keep up!

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

Arthur Murray Ballroom Dance photography

Luckily, our studio had some entries of our staff in the competition. Now our group that we traveled with had people to focus on, to root for, and to follow with my camera! I really enjoyed seeing people that were teaching our classes at home on the big stage going up against the best from around the region. I learned so much from that first experience. There as setup for the camera, positioning myself to the dance floor, and thinking about how I could improve the images. I have been working on that ever since, and I have enjoyed the results along the way!

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

Speaking of ballroom dance events, we have one from 2017 that is expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site. It was our first time covering the Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage in Lancaster, PA. What a very nice group of dancers from the area. We saw some familiar faces, and Barbara and Leraunt were amazing hosts. Here is the link to the photos:

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

2017 Pennsylvania Ballroom Scrimmage

We look forward to even more ballroom dance photos this year! The challenge is still there with dancers continuing to push their craft to new speeds, and better technique. I will have to try to keep up!

2017 Fall Freestyles photos Expiring

Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media

Tysons, Virginia

The photos from last September’s 2017 Fall Freestyles are expiring. Now that we have a new year of events planned, we need to move these to the archive. Obviously, we would like to thank everyone that purchase photos from this event. We love seeing them posted online! While they are still available, the link to the photos is here:

2017 Arthur Murray Fall Freestyles photos at TimeLine Media

Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media

Professional Shows

At this time, there was another set of great shows to cap this event! In contrast to most other times, I positioned myself in a different part of room. On this occasion we had professionals from the Tysons studio dancing in the show. Prior to the start of the show, I asked where would be the best place for me to sit. Of course, I was looking to get great photos of all the shows. However, we see them every week, and I did not want to miss anything great due to location! From these photos, I think they gave me some good advice.

Tysons, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Ashburn, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Ashburn, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Ashburn, Virginia Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, Maryland Arthur Murray studio pro show ©TimeLine Media

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2018 FADS NJ Team Match photos Released

Dancers competing at the NJ Fred Astaire Team Match ©TimeLine Media
Dancers competing at the 2018 FADS NJ Team Match ©TimeLine Media

Iselin, NJ 

The photos from last weekend’s 2018 FADS NJ Team Match have been released! Another new event for us and our first trip to New Jersey in years. We are not yet as familiar with the studios here, thus we sorted the photos by gentlemen’s number. While they are up, you can find them here:

2018 Fred Astaire New Jersey Team Match photos at TimeLine Media

Ilya Ifraimov and Nadia Goulina from FADS Montville, NJ ©TimeLine Media
Ilya Ifraimov and Nadia Goulina from FADS Montville, NJ ©TimeLine Media

Last year, I was contact by Nadia from the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Montville, NJ. Certainly this was a booking due to a scheduling conflict. Given that Ryan Kenner usually photographs their events, it was unexpected for us to be here. Without a doubt, I was nervous about covering this event. Ryan is an amazing photographer! It would be big shoes for me to fill for these studios.

Dancers competing at the NJ Fred Astaire Team Match ©TimeLine Media
Dancers competing at the NJ Fred Astaire Team Match ©TimeLine Media

Once I got setup, and started making photos, I was feeling better. The venue was the Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel ballroom. Without a doubt, the organizers were very familiar with setting up a room for ballroom dancing. This was not just a studio showcase, this looked like a big dancesport competition! Of course with a new audience, we hope that they enjoy the photos. Please send me any feedback that you have on the results!

Dancers competing at the NJ Fred Astaire Team Match ©TimeLine Media
Dancers competing at th 2018 FADS NJ Team Match ©TimeLine Media
Dancers competing at the  2018 FADS NJ Team Match ©TimeLine Media
Dancers competing at the 2018 FADS NJ Team Match ©TimeLine Media

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