Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

DC Dance Challenge | Dancesport Photographer

Washington, DC

This must be the season for ballroom dancing. We just finished one big event, but we have a couple more right around the corner! On October 5, we are going to be in downtown Washington, DC for the DC Dance Challenge. We always enjoy covering this event because of the great dancing, and of course the familiar faces! It is great to connect with so many local dance enthusiasts and professionals.



The venues that the organizers choose for this event has always been great for photos! In previous years, the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo served as the backdrop, but they have switched to the beautiful Atrium Ballroom at the Ronald Reagan Building. If you have driven around the large Federal buildings in DC, you no doubt have seen this imposing structure in the Federal Triangle area. Right off the main atrium of the building is the large ballroom that is perfect for holding dancesport events. We had a great time shooting in the space that held a great showcase for the dancers and their talents.


Looking at the website for this year’s competition, it looks like it will be another great event! In the evening, they have some great professional shows where there are lots of exciting photos to be made. My favorite from the day is the Dancing with the DC Stars Showcase competition where the dancers get to hear directly from the judges right after their performance, and with the audience watching. There is a lot of nervous tension in the air, but it really pushed the dancers to do their best, and the audience gets a great show! If you are in the area in a few weekends, try and make it – the organizers and attendees are some of the friendliest around, and you will enjoy a great showcase.


TimeLine Media –

American Star Ball Expires Today | Dance Photography

Today, the American Star Ball photos expire at the proofing site! It was a busy photography weekend for TimeLine Media! We had photographers all over the area the last three days, and we had lots of challenges. At this time, we had weather, computer, car trouble, and everything under the sun that we encountered. Firstly, I want to thank all the photographers that helped me to get the images that clients need. Now I have lots of editing to do, but it is ALL GOOD! Certainly, I am working right now to make sure I can get everything that we made out there for you to see. It may take me a little while, but the images will come soon – I promise!


At this time, the photos from the 2014 American Star Ball Championships expire today at the proofing site. There has been another rush of orders the last week as I sent reminders to the email list that they expire soon, and I have sent all of them out to you. After tonight, the photos will no longer be viewable as they are moved to the archive:


The competition was full of great dancing from start to finish! We made some awesome images of amateurs, professionals, and the special shows on each night. It made for a great variety from just the standard competitive heats, and broke up the event nicely. I know that the organizers are already hard at work for next year’s event, and that they are not planning to rest on their success from the last 2 years. We hope to be invited back, and to see you out there on the dance floor!


TimeLine Media –

American Star Ball Expiring | Dancesport Photography

Looking ahead in the schedule, I can see that I will be occupied with a lot of things in the coming week. Because of this, I want to let anyone that reads the blog and social networks of TimeLine Media that the photos from the American Star Ball held last May are going to expire from the website on Monday, September 15, 2014. This weekend of ballroom dancing was packed with lots of action photos, and thanks to everyone that visited and purchased their favorites since they were released.



It has been a while since I have viewed the photos from this collection, and I have forgotten a lot! The grand ballroom at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City is a great place to shoot ballroom dance photos. Especially in the way these organizers set it up. Of course, sitting at the short side of the floor gives you a long distance to blur the background. Concurrently, the dark red and black color theme really helps the photos pop off the screen. Digital cameras have always liked red. Although sometimes a little too much! But it is much easier to dial that back down than to try to find a good saturation level later.


The other good part about going to this competition was the participation from all the dancers, volunteers, organizers, music directors, and other entertainers that contributed so much to the weekend. Amanda and Ilya Reyzin have really put together a great team, and they make sure that everything – including the vendors – have everything they need. We have enjoyed working with them and providing great images for their guests. We hope to see all of you at the 2015 American Star Ball next year!


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