Staying Home

This quaratine time has been a tremendous change to our daily life. Everyone I am in contact with is working from home. Video conference calls are a daily event. Thankfully in this high tech time, everything is working!
What are you doing during this time that we are forced to stay at home? On one hand, I am working very similarly to how I did before. On the other, I have no photo shoots or events to plan. With this in mind, I have turned to working on my business. While I work at home, I have been listening to many podcasts and YouTube channels of other creatives. Similarly, the content has moved in parallel directions. There are tips on keeping productive, on cleaning up your contracts, on honing photography skills inside etc.

Quarantine 1
In contrast, I am not looking for things to do while staying at home. If I am successful with my efforts, my blog will hopefully look a lot more full! It has been an aspiration of mine to get back to blogging which I did more regularly. Seeing that it was a great way to document the photos shoots, and to remember what the environment was like when I made the photos.
Given that I enjoyed reviewing these posts, I want to go back to old events, and put them on the blog. At the same time, I will attempt to keep current with the posts as well. The photos from this Quaratine 1 post are from some of the daily walks. Every day we are taking walks, and bring a camera with me. These were taken with my first DSLR camera – the Nikon D100. It has a very low megapixel count, and I converted it to only capture infrared light.
So far it has been enough to capture something different when repeatedly passing the same areas over the last month! I hope you are staying safe at home. If you are getting around to do things that you were putting off until you had time to get to it, please let me know. Maybe there is something I should be doing that I have not thought to do yet.

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