Springfield, Virginia
Last year, Glenn Fischer asked if I could update the headshots for his insurance agency. He is a member of my BNI group that meets in Springfield, Virginia. For this shoot, he would be using these on advertisements in print and online. With this goal in mind, I hired my friend Nam to assist with hair and makeup.

While it may be true the I prefer the white background for headshots, I did not for this session. Given a choice the consensus among the staff was that black would be better on account of their regular report formats. Despite a change from my normal setup, I am liking this setup! As much as I enjoy post processing, this setup made things faster for the client.

Thanks to Nam for his assistance on this occasion! In fact, having him really saved a lot of time in turning these around. Smooth even skin out of the camera is a gift when you need to work quickly. In print this also worked well seeing that I have spotted these on nice magazine and cheap receipt paper. Finding this on the back of a grocery receipt prompted this post!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com