Body Fit DC is the creation of Orlando, a certified personal fitness trainer. He is committed to encouraging others to make fitness a part of their life. Especially as we get older, it is important to make exercise a regular part of our routine. It helps to avoid health problems associated with lowered mobility and gained weight. If you have one conversation with Orlando, you can feel the drive he has to help people. He has an especially positive message to help the people he trains, and he will be supportive of your fitness goals.
Washington, DC
In my own push to expand my athletic portraiture portfolio, I took some photos of Orlando. At this time we met at the beautiful Meridian Hill Park in the heart of Washington, DC. Following our trip to Jones Point where the first boundary for DC was placed, Meridian Hill is on a line directly north of that point. The original marker on this hill was made directly from the White House which was made from Jones Point – clearly where the name “Meridian Hill” originated.
The park has a large flat field at the top and descends with cascading fountains in the center. On either side of the large fountain are steps and stairs of differing lengths which gives runners a changing elevation to challenge them on their runs. At this time, this is a great spot for getting outside to do some exercise – Orlando picked a perfect spot. At the bottom of the fountain, he stood on the last ledge which made for a nice background for him to show off his boot camp venue. Visit his web page and contact him to get more information on his on-going programs.

Just a reminder there is a contest going on from this post. The prize is a $50 coupon from the proofing website to the best guess as to how the below photo was made. If you have any other need for environmental portraits, or updated headshots, please contact me! My email address is: rassi @ timelinedc.com
TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com