Summer is flying by! Although it does not seem like that long ago, the time has come to clean out more room on the web server for new events. There are three ballroom dance events that are expiring very soon at the TimeLine Media proofing website. These have been up for a while, and we have had lots of visitors.
Firstly, thanks to you that have come by and purchased your photos! I have even put together a couple of albums from these events. Overall this is a great way to share your images without having to be tethered to a tablet or smartphone. At this time, albums can be made from photos of any event we have covered. I put together a layout of your 12-20 favorite photos. After you approve the design, I send the layouts to the lab for printing and binding into a leather album. It is actually cheaper to get the prints in an album than as free prints! If you have any other questions, or would like to know more about our “Ballroom Brag Books” as we call them, please send me an email, or give me a call.
The three events that are expiring soon are:
2014 Baltimore Dancesport Challege – expires July 21, 2014
Arthur Murray 2014 Spring Freestyles – expires July 28, 2014
2014 River City Ballroom Dance Competition – expired August 4, 2014

I am scheduled to photograph a lot of exciting upcoming events in the next few weeks. I am shooting a couple of weddings, and there are a lot of happenings planned at Tysons Corner Center next week. Rest assured, I’ll be sure to share my adventures and images here on the blog and my other social media outlets. Have a nice weekend!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com