Posts Tagged ‘Tech Thursday’

Leaf Shutter Lenses Part 2 – Tech Thursday

Outdoor portrait with leaf shutter lens and flash - ©TimeLine Media

Last Tech Thursday, I had the first post on using leaf shutter lenses. In doing a little research, there are not too many of these that are available in convenient or “affordable” kits. The ones that are available cost most than most DSLRs bundles with lenses – for the lens alone! These are normally in the realm of the medium format cameras with much larger sensors, and much higher price tags. A new medium format camera is in the $15,000 – $40,000 range with the accompanying leaf shutter lenses starting at $4500+.

So you can see why I was excited to learn that the relatively inexpensive Fuji X100s has a leaf shutter. As a refresher, here is a photo taken without any added flash outside. It is the metered exposure from the camera, and has a nice shallow depth of field with the trees and the shed going out of focus. The settings were 1/1000th second at f/2.0 ISO 200. The shutter speed was very fast due to the open aperture. There was bright sun that is starting to set but is still high overhead.

Flash Photography Test

Flat outdoor portrait without fill flash - ©TimeLine Media
Flat outdoor portrait without fill flash – ©TimeLine Media

With a typical DSLR, you would not be able to use these settings to get proper exposure*. The 1/1000th of a second exposure time is too fast for the flash to fully expose the frame. You will have a black bar along one of the long sides of the frame where the shutter is still covering part of the frame. You are limited to 1/200th or 1/160th of a second on most cameras. To find your, look in your manual, and look for the maximum flash sync speed. On the Fuji X100s, however, the leaf shutter lens is able to sync with the flash up to this fast shutter speed. This is the biggest benefit to using these types of lenses – having more control over balancing the available light in the scene with added light from a flash or strobe.

Outdoor portrait with leaf shutter lens and flash - ©TimeLine Media
Outdoor portrait with leaf shutter lens and flash – ©TimeLine Media

You can keep the nice darker blue sky, and saturate the other colors by underexposing the background with a high shutter speed. The flash power you can control from the strobe or by adjusting the aperture. Even though in some of these, the aperture was not wide open, it was only closed about 1 stop which keeps the background nicely out of focus compared to your subject. I cannot wait to do more shooting with this setup! It gives a lot more flexibility in what time of day to make outdoor portraits.

Outdoor portrait with leaf shutter lens and flash - ©TimeLine Media
Outdoor portrait with leaf shutter lens and flash – ©TimeLine Media


Adobe InDesign Intro – Tech Thursday

Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD - ©TimeLine Media

The Adobe InDesign software is becoming a larger part of my photography as I learn more about the power of this program. The first time I used the program was with the CS5 suite as it was included with a package of programs from Adobe that included Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightroom. I did not think I would have any use for InDesign, but many photographers started to show videos on how they use InDesign for making album templates. It was then that it clicked!

Page Layout Design

Adobe InDesign CC Splash screen
Adobe InDesign CC Splash screen

If keeping things perfectly centered, perfectly aligned with other elements, or perfectly aligned on a page, then this program is for you. It is amazingly useful for making album layouts. I use them for Ballroom Brag Books or wedding albums. Additionally it is really easy to make collages like I did recently for the TimeLine Media Facebook photo contest:

InDesign working layout - ©TimeLine Media
InDesign working layout – ©TimeLine Media

Frames are the basis for working in InDesign. You create the frame where you would like to place your element. These can be photos, text, illustration, or any other digital object. When adding text, you need to draw out the size of the box that you would like, then type. Afterwards, the text box acts like a text box in any other application. The powerful part of InDesign is that the frame can be moved anywhere on the image. Also, there are live guides (colored green) that will pop up when the text box is centered to another frame, or when the bottom of the frame will align with others. This has helped to lay elements out perfectly straight. Concurrently it will save you a lot of time if you are mixing images and text.

Speaking of which, I have a friendly photo contest going on at the TimeLine Media Facebook page. To help us decide which of the professional shows to feature at the upcoming Spring Freestyles, I have made posters from all the shows at the last Showcase. The 2 posters that received the most votes will be printed and displayed at the event. Please visit the page to vote for your favorites with a click of the “Like” button. Thank you!

Arthur Murray - Chevy Chase, MD - ©TimeLine Media
Arthur Murray – Chevy Chase, MD – ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media –

Tripods Are Boring – Tech Thursday

©TimeLine Media - Christmas Decorations at Fairfax Corner

Tripods are not the most exciting piece of photography gear. In fact, reading photography forums, you would think that the tripod is an obsolete piece of equipment! The newest digital SLR cameras are so good in low light, that many think that you can just push up the ISO values in the camera to keep your shutter speed fast enough to minimize blur from camera shake.

©TimeLine Media - Christmas Decorations at Fairfax Corner
©TimeLine Media – Christmas Decorations at Fairfax Corner

For a quick review, ISO will determine how sensitive your camera sensor it to light. The higher the value, the lower the amount of light is needed to show up on the sensor. So a photo taken at ISO 200 at 1/30th    of a second will be exposed the same amount as a photo taken at ISO 1600 at 1/200th of a second. At 1/200th, you can take a lot more sharp photos because your shutter speed is much higher. At 1/30th, your hands make shake more (especially during outside holiday family photos!).

©TimeLine Media - Christmas Decorations at Fairfax Corner
©TimeLine Media – Christmas Decorations at Fairfax Corner

The advances in technology are really game changing for photographers. When I am in a situation where I am photographing people at an event such as a wedding, or ballroom dance, I will push the ISO however high I need it to go to save the recycle time with the flashes since you never know when you need to have another pop of light. The action will not wait for the photographer! But there are many times when having a good steady tripod underneath your camera is essential. Recently, I have done a lot of shoots with outside Christmas lights, and interiors. It has been a huge help to use the tripod in these cases. I can get a nice long exposure which will blur any of the people in the photos which adds some action into the photos.

©TimeLine Media - Christmas Decorations at Tysons Corner Center
©TimeLine Media – Christmas Decorations at Tysons Corner Center

Another advantage of using lower ISO 100 – 200, are the colors! I am shooting in a saturated color style these days, and lower ISO values make it really easy to punch these up in post. You lose a lot of this ability once you push the ISO too high. There are many colorful decorations to photograph this holiday season, so get out your tripod and use it for steadier, more colorful images.


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