Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Synchronize Photos – Tech Thursday

Synchronize files - Adobe Lightroom

Having multiple cameras on a shoot is a must for professional photographers. Your camera will only fail at the worst time! There is never a good time to have your equipment fail. However, if you are at a wedding, or covering an important dance performance, or VIP meeting, you want to make sure you have a backup on hand in case something goes wrong. Another reason is to keep your creative options open. Having two different lenses on the cameras allows you to get a variety of images from what is happening right in front of you.

Now that you have things covered with your equipment, you may now have another problem. Unless you and your assistants are diligent, the clocks on your cameras may not be set to the correct time. Will this be important? It depends on what you are shooting, and how your clients will be viewing the photos. In most cases, people like to view their photos in chronological order. On a wedding day, you want to see the day starting with preparations before the ceremony. From there you progress to the ceremony, then the reception. Having some reception photos while still viewing ceremony or portrait shots, make the presentation confusing. If you are photographing dancers, you want to make sure that all the photos from a heat are together. This is so the dancers can find all their photos together after the event.

If you are using the same camera brand, use a GPS unit like this one from Nikon – the GP-1. This can synchronize the cameras to get your location information as well as synchronize your camera’s clock to the GPS clocks. No more accurate way to get your times right!

Nikon GP-1 - GPS unit
Nikon GP-1 – GPS unit

If you have different cameras, you can line up all your cameras and take one photo at the same time. Then after the event, go back to these photos, and set the time for the photos from one camera to match the others. I do this in Adobe Lightroom where I do most of my editing, but this can be done in other metadata managing programs such as Photo Mechanic. In the Library module in Lightroom, select all the photos from a camera, go to the Metadata menu and select “Edit Capture Time”.

Synchronize files - Adobe Lightroom
Synchronize files – Adobe Lightroom

Here you can enter in a time that exactly corresponds with the time from another camera taken at the same time. Now, if you sort all the photos by capture time in the Library, they should all be organized chronologically. This has saved me lots of time in finding dancer photos from long events, and has helped to organize wedding photos for viewing. Hope this helps!

Synchronize files - Adobe Lightroom
Synchronize files – Adobe Lightroom

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Extreme Shutter Speed – Tech Thursday

©TimeLine Media - extreme high shutter speed

With Adobe Lightroom, it is very easy to sort your photos by all kinds of metadata. You can have the program show you photos that only meet certain criteria. Thus, you can gain some interesting insights into your photography. Very quickly, you can see what your “favorite” lens, camera, aperture, or shutter speed is just by looking at the raw numerical data. In college, I had a lot of training in reviewing scientific data, so having this metadata available for my photography is really cool!

Adobe Lightroom

This time, I have looked at the shutter speed of all of my favorite 19000+ photos that I have kept from all of my shoots since 2004. These two photos were examples of the highest shutter speed allowed by the Nikon cameras that I use. The first is a little expected – a kite flying by the overhead sun. This was at the kite festival on the National Mall which seemed appropriate for an American-flag flyer.

©TimeLine Media - extreme high shutter speed
©TimeLine Media – extreme high shutter speed

The second was a little more unexpected for me – a bride in an open field just after her wedding. It was a beautiful late spring day, and the sun was out, but I don’t recall it being that bright! There was some nice shady trees behind her, and behind me, so maybe that is what I am remembering. In looking at the Lightroom adjustments, this photo did not have to be “recovered” by pushing the Exposure slider either, so this is how the photo came out of the camera.

©TimeLine Media - extreme high shutter speed
©TimeLine Media – extreme high shutter speed

Shutter Speed

These next two show the slowest shutter speeds I have in my portfolio. This first one was exposed for 30 seconds. This is about the limit you can keep the shutter open before the moon and the stars start to lose their roundness, and start to smear light across the frame. Even with the long exposure, the photo needed to be pushed 1.5 stops higher in software to get it like this:

©TimeLine Media - extreme low shutter speed
©TimeLine Media – extreme low shutter speed

This last photo is the longest exposed photo in the collection – exposed for 1378 seconds – almost 23 minutes! I was attempting to make a star trail photo in the country. There were some clouds that moved through that you can see as the white streaks on the left. This was my only real attempt to do this as there is too much light pollution to do this near my home. Unfortunately, I did not get the North Star to center the photo, and there are too many sensor spots going through the trails to really show this on a larger scale. Guess I will have to try it again sometime. Take a look through your photos and see what lies at the extremes of your shutter speed scale.

©TimeLine Media - extreme low shutter speed
©TimeLine Media – extreme low shutter speed

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Web services

This morning, I received news that one of my favorite Google products, Google Reader, will no longer be available starting July 1, 2013. For me, this was one of the only services from Google that I used on a regular basis. At this time I have accounts for Gmail, Google drive, Google Plus. However, I have never put all my chips into that system. This has caused some problems as they are ubiquitous among lots of companies and users.

Software Shutdown

Photography really lends itself to blogging. “A picture is worth a thousand words” after all. I have used Google Reader to subscribe to many RSS feeds from photographers and websites discussion both technique and technology. This helped me to stay current on new releases and has given me lots of inspiration for future shoots.

It has also spurred me on to continue blogging as I have since the beginning of the year. Social media platforms give you the same content as blogs. However, for the content creator, it is important to contain your posts on your own website. Although you should send your posts to Facebook, and other networks, the terms of use for social media change rapidly!

Social Networks

Instagram users lashed out at the company last year when they announced that the company would be allowed to sell users images. Whether you agree or disagree with the policy (that was later changed back), it is obvious that the best way to keep your information your own, is to host it on your own website. Yes, it is still out in the open for anyone to take, but you still have eyeballs on your website viewing your content – which was the point, right?

Just like Google Reader, all of the social media platforms and web services can be accessed for free. As such, it is possible that the program can be taken away, or changed in a way that makes usage unfavorable for your taste. In light of that, I encourage more content creators to host your photos, videos, or post on their own websites more. Use the social media platforms to point to your website, but keep it “in house” to control the way you distribute your unique contributions to the web! Here’s my Spring-time one for the day: web services post
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