Posts Tagged ‘TEDxTysons’

New Target – TEDxTysons

Michael Morales - host of the TEDxTysons salon at Vinson Hall ©TimeLine Media
Michael Morales – host of the TEDxTysons salon at Vinson Hall ©TimeLine Media

Vinson Hall – McLean, VA

Last week I photographed New Target – TEDxTysons salon at Vinson Hall. Given that this retirement community caters to military families, it was fitting setting. As a matter of fact, all the speakers, and the hosts are veterans. Moreover their talks dealt with issues that military veterans are particularly familiar. In addition, there are many experiences that can translate to solving new challenges outside of active duty.

Finishing set setup at Vinson Hall of a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Finishing set setup at Vinson Hall of a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
TEDxTysons salon event at Vinson Hall ©TimeLine Media
New Target – TEDxTysons salon event at Vinson Hall ©TimeLine Media

Speakers – New Target – TEDxTysons

Once the salon started, a military band played to open the event! As can be seen the video team really worked hard to bring some visual interest to the back of the stage. For this purpose, they hung some string lights from the ceiling behind the speakers. Additionally, color spotlights set a dark, saturated tones in red and blue. Afterwards the after-show reception was an opportunity to meet the speakers one on one. Please go to the TEDxTysons website to see all the photos and videos from the evening!

Vice Admiral Cutler Dawson speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
Vice Admiral Cutler Dawson speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
Audri Beugelsdijk speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
Audri Beugelsdijk speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
Jenny Pacanowski speaking at a salon event ©TimeLine Media
Jenny Pacanowski speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
John Foley speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media
John Foley speaking at a TEDxTysons salon event ©TimeLine Media

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Casting a Wider Net – TEDxTysons

Casting a Wider Net - TEDxTysons salon at Booz Allen Hamilton headquarters ©TimeLine Media

Booz Allen Hamilton Headquarters

Last week, I photographed the newest TEDxTysons salon event – Casting a Wider <Dot> Net. On this occasion, the venue was spot on for talks around technology and the impact it is having today. The Booz Allen Hamilton headquarters is in the middle of the growing Tysons, Virginia neighborhood – the Boro. Also it is impossible to miss the high technology companies in the surrounding office buildings.

Casting a Wider Net - TEDxTysons salon at Booz Allen Hamilton headquarters ©TimeLine Media
Casting a Wider Net - TEDxTysons salon at Booz Allen Hamilton headquarters ©TimeLine Media


The technology expo was setup in the auditorium reception area when guests started to arrive. It set the scene for discussions on developments that may be part of daily life sooner or later. In contrast, the talks went in depth to higher level thoughts on technology and its impact or our life today.

Tulani Elisa - host of TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Tulani Elisa – host of TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Jenifer Joy Madden speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Jenifer Joy Madden speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Kerel Fryar speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Kerel Fryar speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Evan Barba speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Evan Barba speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Kymberly Deloatche speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media
Kymberly Deloatche speaking at TEDxTysons ©TimeLine Media

Casting a Wider <Dot> Net

In order to capture the photos, I had to stretch my stealthy skills. In fact this venue may have the lowest noise floor of any TEDxTysons event so far! Please check out their website for all the photos and to hear the talks.

Speakers, host, & organizers of TEDxTysons salon at Booz Allen Hamilton ©TimeLIne Media
Speakers, host, & organizers of TEDxTysons salon at Booz Allen Hamilton ©TimeLIne Media

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Lessons Learned – TEDxTysons

Chris Ulrich - host of Lessons Learned - TEDxTysons salon event at the Barns of Wolf Trap ©TimeLine Media
Chris Ulrich – host of TEDxTysons salon event at the Barns of Wolf Trap ©TimeLine Media

Barns of Wolf Trap

Lessons Learned was the newest TEDxTysons salon event. Prior to the night of the event, I visited the space with other volunteers. Since I had never been to the Barns of Wolf Trap before, this was a good move. As a venue, this was a particularly appropriate site for their talks. Not only do they have a fully-equipped stage, but they have a food and reception area just outside the auditorium.

Barnes of Wolf Trap - venue for Lessons Learned - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Barnes of Wolf Trap – venue for a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Crowd arriving  and Jack getting ready for the start of Lessons Learned - TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media
Crowd arriving and Jack getting ready for the start of a TEDxTysons salon ©TimeLine Media

Speakers – Lessons Learned – TEDxTysons

When the show started, it was immediately apparent that this was stage ready for productions. Stage lighting and perfect acoustics elevated the TEDx experience for the audience. In contrast to the other venues that were in corporate locations, this felt like a production in a cinema. The presenters talked about learning from mistakes, overcoming failures, and enduring loss. In general, the speakers really engaged through authentic stories, inspiring outcomes, and a little humor! Check the TEDxTysons site for the videos that will be released soon.

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