Tysons Corner Center
This post highlights some images from the 2018 2nd Half Media shoots at Tysons Corner Center. Since this covered a time with a lot of temperature changes, there were changes both outside and inside the mall. Specifically the following photos are from a large tent constructed in the parking lot outside Bloomindale’s. Compared to the interior of the mall, the very tall tent competes with the retail space size with such a large footprint! Although I am not a fan of heights, the staff at the tent let me go up their largest ladder to get some photos. It was worth the shaky knees!

Inside the mall, they had many new sets of banner advertising. As far as printing and graphic design go, this Blue Moon ad was particularly impactful. Perhaps it is the combination of the yellow and blue colors, but this really rendered well in the camera. I really enjoy slowing down, setting the tripod, and creating these purposefully lined-up images.

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com