These are the shortest days of the year. Although it can be depressing to have such a small duration of daylight, it works out really well for photography. The best light for outdoor photos are around the times when the sun is rising or setting. The sun will be closer to the horizon. Objects will take on more character with this kind of light. Shadows will work with you more from this angle. On this morning, I went out to the Marine Corps War Memorial aka the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, VA.
This is a popular spot for view the National Mall right across the Potomac River in Washington, DC. Being elevated above the Mall make a great vantage down onto the unobstructed view to the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Capitol Building in the distance. The position of where the sun is rising this time of year does not make for the most dramatic view of the Mall, but it works very well for the Iwo Jima. The position of the memorial has the faces of the statues facing right into the rising sun. The light hits them on the lit side, then falls off to a nice shadow behind them at sunrise. Later in the day, a higher position for the sun will not be as dramatic. The shadows will fall underneath the statue, and whole scene becomes more flat and less interesting.
The good light and the lack of people around these areas are why photographers get out so early to get these photos. It is lucky to be so close and have access to them. I will definitely take advantage even though it is very cold! Soon, it will be necessary to get up very early to get these as the days will get longer, and the chase for the best light becomes harder.
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