Dulles, VA
The photos from last weekend’s 2019 FADS Fall Fling are ready to view! Similarly to their last event, we have them sorted by gentlemen’s number. To view all the photos, click this link:
2019 Fred Astaire Fall Fling Team Match photos at TimeLine Media

On this occasion, the venue was the ballroom at the Dulles Hilton. Although this was a new venue for us, we really liked the setup of this room. Being that they had high ceilings, and plenty of room, the flashes really popped. With this in mind, I did not have any issues with making images. However, I did think it lessened the Halloween effect in the room. For this reason, I made all the room photos with the flashes off. When that was done, the colors of the walls really came out – spooky!

Please share the link with anyone that would like to see your photos! If you prepaid for videos and photos, the studio has the links. Thanks for your help in spreading the word!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com