Paris, Virginia
Julie and Ashwood gathered on July 4 weekend for a beautiful summer wedding in mountains of Virginia. Situated on a hill above the town of Paris, these two found this rustic home to be their venue. Since they had never seen the place in person, we met the day before to scout out the best places for the ceremony. The house had beautiful grounds, and was easy to navigate, so we had some extra time together. Being that this was the first time I met the bride; it was a perfect chance to get acquainted.
As we made some photos together, I enjoyed getting some insight into their relationship. Although they do not have a ‘typical’ route to marriage, Ashwood and Julie have an amazing connection. Undoubtedly this lock down time has clarified their bond and brought them to the realization that they should take this step together.

Anytime a couple requests that you photograph their wedding, I am extremely honored. It is a privilege to be in the middle of this important event especially one that is happening in the 2020 pandemic. On this occasion, a limited number of people could attend. In fact, none of the bride’s family could attend in person! As a result, multiple virtual conference rooms were setup so they could view the ceremony from Europe.

Photography Friendship
As I said previously, it is always a privilege to photograph a wedding. However, Ashwood is such a good friend. Years ago, he took a chance on my photography to cover the first TEDxTysons events. Everything was new for us as he and his partners were just starting this endeavor. Whereas he could have the choice of using other photographers, he continues to support what I do by having me back. As I have come to realize, I should always take his call. He has given me access to panoramic views, mind-changing talks, influential thinkers. These two days top them all.
Congratulations, Ashwood and Julie!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com