Tysons, Virginia
Coming across clients on social media jogged my memory for these 2016 studio headshots. For these examples, I photographed in the studio. Compared to on-location setups, there are some advantages to doing it this way. Firstly, I have time to set the lighting beforehand. This will save time in how long you need to be at the studio. Secondly, a studio shoot allows for tethering the camera to the computer. Specifically, the images will immediately available to view on a nice large laptop screen, or TV monitor.

For this headshot, it was helpful to review the photos on a large TV monitor. Accordingly, you can review your facial expression, wardrobe, and how they look on a chosen background. With attention to the background a clean white seamless is very easy to work with after the shoot. In this case, the realty office has a certain corporate background that the headshot will be placed. With this in mind, it was important to get a background that would be easy for them to cut out later.

Darker Background Headshots

For Dr. AK here, I gave him a choice of a lighter or darker background. In contrast to the white, these seem to have a more specular quality to them. However, both styles I think are very professional and will do the job of elevating your branding with a professional portrait.

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com