Dulles, VA
The photos are expiring from the 2019 FADS Fall Fling! We have some Spring events coming up, so we need room on the server. While they are still available, you can access the photos here:
2019 Fred Astaire Fall Fling Team Match photos at TimeLine Media

Overall it was a spooky night for the Fall Fling! The spirit of Halloween was all over the inside and outside of the ballroom. Still that skeleton that greeted guests at the ballroom entrance haunts me!

2019 FADS Fall Fling – Professional Shows
To cap the event, the professionals that danced with students all day put on a show. Partnering with other professionals allows them to demonstrate a higher level for the students in attendance. Giving the dance fans something to shoot for in their dancing is a great way to end this event. I know everyone will be back at the studio to start working for the next one. We hope to see you there!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com