
Posts Tagged ‘dancers’

2018 Summer Showcase photos Expiring

Gaithersburg, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media

Tysons, Virginia

The 2018 Summer Showcase photos are expiring at the TimeLine Media proofing site. Even though these are going away, we will be making more soon. So we need to make room on the server for new events. While they are still available, the photos will be at this link:

2018 Arthur Murray Summer Showcase photos at TimeLine Media

Chevy Chase, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Chevy Chase, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media

Professional Competition

To conclude the event, the professionals hit the dance floor together. On this occasion there were five heats of one dance competitions. As I have posted before these are not my favorite going into the shoot. However, I always seems to find favorites as I edit them. To be sure, I do not get as many keepers from the competition floor. Comparatively, ending with professional shows results in more keepers for the photographer. On the other hand, the crowd really ramps up the energy cheering on their teachers. Maybe the photos aren’t the more important thing? 🙂

2018 Summer Showcase Columbia, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Columbia, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria and Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studios ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria and Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studios ©TimeLine Media
2018 Summer Showcase Gaithersburg, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Gaithersburg, MD Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Tysons, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
2018 Summer Showcase Alexandria, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media
Alexandria, VA Arthur Murray studio ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

2018 That’s Dancing Summer Showcase photos Expiring

Staff show at the 2018 That's Dancing Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media
Staff show at the That’s Dancing Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media

Jessup, MD

The photos from last May’s 2018 That’s Dancing Summer Showcase are expiring! Being that they had new dance floors, the staff was ready to show off their renovated space. Until the photos are archived, you can access them here:

2018 That’s Dancing Summer Showcase photos at TimeLine Media

2018 That's Dancing Summer Showcase studio staff photo ©TimeLine Media
That’s Dancing Summer Showcase studio staff photo ©TimeLine Media
Staff show at the 2018 That's Dancing Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media
2018 That's Dancing Summer - Harley Quinn and Joker show ©TimeLine Media
2018 That's Dancing Summer
2018 That's Dancing Summer
Jackie dancing at the 2018 That's Dancing Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media
Jackie dancing at the That’s Dancing Summer Showcase ©TimeLine Media

Finally, Thanks to Marielle and Carlos for inviting me to their studio! Seeing that there was very little room to move around, it shows their growing popularity. Not only do they have regular students progressing through their program, but they have new students getting out there. Unquestionably it is more difficult to dance in front of friends than complete strangers. This is in contrast to competitions where the crowd is generally more unfamiliar. So this is a great practice for their Baltimore Dancesport Challenge event that they also organize. For this reason, they will be making a studio that will compete for top prizes in the near future!

Carlos and Marielle Pabon of That's Dancing studio in Jessup, MD ©TimeLine Media
Carlos and Marielle Pabon of That’s Dancing studio in Jessup, MD ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

2018 Fantasy Ball photos Released

Virginia Beach, Virginia

The photos from last weekend’s 2018 Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition have been released! On this occasion, we were at the same venue as last year. In the same way, we sorted the photos by gentlemen’s number and posted the collection here:

2018 Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition photos at TimeLine Media

Garry Gekhman at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Garry Gekhman at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media

Pro-Am Dance Competition

Compared to last year, the attendance was higher this year! We were in the same ballroom, however, there was a lot less room to move around. While this may be true, it is much better to have a packed ballroom for dancing. Not only does the crowd get into action, but the participants have much louder support all day.

Smooth dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Smooth dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Standard dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Standard dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media

While at the competition, we had some visitors to the booth. On the whole they were happy with the photos that we produced. Being that this is a part of Virginia that we do not usually visit, we enjoy expanding our reach!

Rhythm dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Rhythm dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media
Latin dancers at a Virginia Beach competition ©TimeLine Media
Latin dancers at the Fantasy Ball Dancesport Competition ©TimeLine Media

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com

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