Bethesda, Maryland
The photos are expiring from the 2017 USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships at the TimeLine Media proofing site. Thanks to everyone that visited the site, and shared the link to the photos! We are grateful for the support and all the nice messages from the dancers. Congratulations to everyone that qualified for Nationals, and for those that were crowned Champions at this event!
2017 USA Dance Mid-Atlantic Championships at TimeLine Media

Not only is the Bethesda North Marriott a beautiful ballroom, it is a wonderful space in general to hold an event. The large space provided plenty of room for our lighting. At the same time, the warm colored walls helps the colors pop. Also, the organizers added the stadium lighting in the corners highlighting the action on the floor.

As much as I enjoy collaborations on photography projects, I was secretly pleased to photograph this entire event. By concentrating on only the couples that wanted photos of their dancing, I had a better chance of getting all their nice lines on the dance floor. Another benefit is how the final images look. Moreover, the editing was much faster. Owing to being next to the floor all weekend, I got into a ‘rhythm’ of working. With this in mind, I did not have to do as much with the photos after the event. From the feedback I received from customers, it seems they appreciated it too!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com