Alden Theatre, McLean, Virginia
Recently I photographed an Open Mic Night event for TEDxTysons. In similar fashion to popular talent shows on TV, potential speakers are pulled out of the audience. Even though they would not be giving a full talk, they would give a preview for judges and the audience to review. There was an initial call for applications so there was some culling before the event. 25 speakers then had their chance in front of the audience to pitch their talk.

Open Mic Night TEDxTysons – Speakers
At stake during this event was an opportunity to give a full talk at the upcoming main event this fall! Not only were they competing against each other, but there was an encouraging spirit in the crowd. Even with all the culling, there was still just a small chance of having the main stage this fall. Contestants were encouraging and supportive throughout the night. For sure, even if they were not picked this time, there are future TEDx speakers that gave their first looks tonight!

TimeLine Media – www.timelinedc.com