Washington, DC
Last year, the Apollo 50 Festival was held on the National Mall in Washington, DC. At this time, the National Air and Space Museum produced this event. It was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. Since I can remember, my dad fostered an interest in the space program. With this in mind, I thoroughly studied the vehicles used to send people into space. However, I have never seen a rocket launch live.

Last summer, we made it out to the Mall to see the ‘Go For the Moon’ show. A projection was sent onto a side of the Washington Monument. Being that I was a STEM student throughout my academic career, I was inspired by the crowd that gathered out there that summer night. NASA and the space program was the impetus for so many to get into the sciences. For those that have not seen an American rocket launch, this was a great demonstration. Pairing it with inspiring words from JFK, a soaring musical soundtrack, and the projection of the Saturn V rocket would probably inspire another generation to continue space exploration now!