Let’s celebrate Christmas in July! I am clearing out my photos from my computer and I came across these from the complete opposite end of the calendar. Even though we are in the middle of the summer concert season at the mall, the holidays are the most colorful and may have even more visitors than summer days.

One of the largest differences in these two times is the shortness of the days. The early sunset really makes it easy to get some blue-hour photos of the center. Blue hour is what photographers use to describe the time after the sun has set in the horizon, and the approximately the next hour. During this time there is still plenty of light in the sky and it is usually a beautiful blue color especially in the winter. This makes for a beautiful backdrop for holiday lights.

But the cold is perfect to keeping the ice in the rink ready for skaters!

And of course, we cannot forget about Santa Claus! He is one of the hardest working people at the mall during the season. He has the traditional portrait sittings at his set in Fashion Court, but he also has several other appearances over the two months leading up to Christmas. He has the Santa Breakfast, along with meet and greets throughout the center. I love to see the reactions to Santa whether young or old, and it always makes for a great photo.

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